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Sabir Hussain's Portfolio

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 ·        Why I am an Artist ?

Way back in the sixties when I was merely a young lad of about twelve, I had the chance to view a famous film. I was greatly enamoured and overwhelmed by the misty landscapes, captured by the camera. As I returned home I felt a great urge to put my feelings into paint and paper and thus my journey of an artist starts. And that was my turning point of my life.

As an individual that I was and now I am, I dreamt a lot and wanted to capture those myriad and colourful dreams into the canvas of my paintings. And I did so. Being a realist I wished to capture the beauty of nature into the frames of my painting and I did so. Moreover, I started to feel the aesthetic beauty, satisfaction and fulfillment from the art work I created.

·        My Philosophy about Art

My philosophy about art as well as life is rather simple. It is just like a writer  pen downs all of his expressions, emotions, thoughts and views through his writings and I also try to express my powerful feelings, emotions through paint and brush. Infact, it is easier for a writer to express in words than a painter to paint in canvas with all the expressions and feelings with the line and stroke of his painting and the hues to signify the emotions and moods.

Firstly,  I believe that to create something beautiful and colourful in this weary world I’ll have to take painting as a service. My work at different times, expresses myself. If I create something beautiful, then I am reflecting the gay and festive mood of the nature and the world and if I express something melancholy through my painting I am actually delineating the sufferings and the sadness that I feel through this world of hardship. On the other hand I portray the traditional values.

Every man tries to build a home , so do I, in the heart of people, cultivating art and art works, through my creation. So do I paint, so I’ll paint. The bottom line is I love the world and I love to paint. So, I would like to leave  a legacy of done through my paintings.

·        My inspirations

I am basically influenced by Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Gains borough, Reynold, Juha, William Daniels, Reubens and especially Picasso, Sir Alma Teddemar, Surgent and other.


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